Friday, April 9, 2010


me- "Honey, let's take a little vacation over spring break."
my husband- "You told me to remind you that never again would you take our blessed children anywhere for an extended visit."
me- "Don't be ridiculous. I never said such a thing. This will be great. We will combine a little learning with a little fun and the kids will have a wonderful time. I am so excited and my hopes are set on their highest bar."
my husband- "Yes dear" (he is wise beyond his years)

Can you see where this is going? The problem with setting the expectation bar so high- it hurts to fall that far. I think the same hormone that allows for one to love the screaming baby kicks in about a week and a half after our family vacations causing me to forget the pain and remember the bliss. Or perhaps, in some cases create the bliss in my foggy mommy brain. So even though our vacation ended like this:

me- "Remind me of this moment if I ever mention that I would like to leave the house again."
my husband- "Yes dear" (see- no I told you so- he is a smart one)

I know come summer I will start to google vacation areas and it will all begin again.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I've said those same words. But still, I would have missed the vacations if we hadn't taken them.

    Cute pictures!
